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Obedience Training Winter/Sping 2023 
Class Schedule

Current Class

Upcoming Classes For The Following Litters:
Heidi Klum, Millie, Paris, Tiffany & Maizie's Litters

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Classes are held at Man's Best Friend in Battle Ground WA. 1611 SW 20th Ave, Battle Ground, WA
Cost $675 for the complete series.  Your puppy must be 4 months of age to attend class.  Located the name of your pups mom.  That will be the class series that your pup is old enough to attend.  There are 9 classes in each series.

You will need a leash and waterproof blanket.  We have both on our webpage:

Class size is limited to 15 puppies.  This notice is going out to multiple litters at the same time. Please let me know if you  and your puppy would like to attend.  If we have more people that we have room for we will add more classes.

Hope to you see in class!

Click the button below for some help with your puppy.  Shannon has made some videos to help demonstrate leadership in your home: 
Scroll down to the puppy series!



To See Our Current List of English Cream Golden Retriever puppies click here.

To See Our Current English Cream White Golden Retriever Studs click here.

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Health, Conformation & Temperament

Bred with intent

Raised with love and affection

Breeding well socialized, loved puppies!

Washington & Oregon

Nanny services offered for worldwide transporting

Australian Labradoodle Puppies Available Mini's and mediums Portland Oregon, Vancouve, WA
Australian Labradoodle Puppies Available Mini's and mediums Portland Oregon, Vancouve, WA
Australian Labradoodle Puppies Available Mini's and mediums Portland Oregon, Vancouve, WA
Golden Retrever Puppies Available Portland, Oregon, Vacouver, WA

Vancouver Dog Breeding | Top Kennels in Washington | Breeding Program 98686

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