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We are excited to announce the arrival of Gracie & Vinnie's litter!
What a great combination! We got some color!! Wahooo
Born August 3rd
Fully Reserved
Hunterberry Hill's Creme Brûlée
ALAA - 050132
Cream Puff's El Filo de Vino
ALAA - 062136
Follow our story....
Check out photos of Gracie, Vinnie & their babies
Our afternoon starts out with Gracie wanting to go for a drive. With both of her past litters she has had the first few puppies in the truck. So, we knew this was the beginning.
And Mocha insisted on coming along....
Watched intently
Mocha was absolutely sure he was going to be more help right in the whelping box instead of in his x-pen.... So, into the baby front pack he went and he sat calmly and watched the entire process.
So glad Gracie was is so patient!
And before long Vinnie & Gracie's first baby made an appearance.
Video of 1st baby being born
Graphic :-)
Raspberry Twist | Raspberry Twist | Raspberry Twist |
Raspberry Twist | Ms. Raspberry Twist Is Available | Fall <3 |
Pinky Pie | ||
Puppy Pile | Teal | |
Butterscotch | ||
Dirt Puppies gardening | ||
Molly is puppy sitting | Nala is helping too | |
Play time! | Exploring | |
outside time for the first time! | ||
Raspberry Twist | Teal | |
Strawberry Shortcake | Pinky Pie | Strawberry Shortcake |
Watermelon | Watermelon | Purple |
Butterscotch | Butterscotch | Reef |
Hello! | Dinner time | |
Figuring out the slide | Checking out the potty station | |
Hungry pup! | Lavender | |
Lavender | Watermelon | Watermelon |
Butterscotch | Butterscotch | Raspberry Twist |
Strawberry Shortcake | Strawberry Shortcake | Teal |
Teal | Pinky Pie | Reef |
26-8-18-3259 | 26-8-18-3259 | 26-8-18-3259 |
26-8-18-3259 | Lavendar | Strawberry Shortcake |
Watermelon | Raspberry Twist | Raspberry Twist |
Raspberry Twist | Pinky Pie | Strawberry Shortcake |
Strawberry Shortcake | Butterscotch | Teal - male |
Raspberry Twist -female | Reef - Male | |
Day 3 | ||
Photos Of Gracie & Her Past Puppies
Gracie | Gracie 2017 | Tinker Bell |
Queen Sheba Gracie's puppy | Gracie | Gracie |
Gracie's puppy | Gracie's past puppies | Gracie's past puppies |
Gracie's past puppies | Gracie's past puppy | Gracie's past puppy |
Gracie & Sampson | Gracie's past puppy | Gracie's past puppy |
Gracie's past puppy | Gracie's past puppy | Gracie's past puppy |
Gracie's past puppies | Gracie's past puppies | Gracie as a puppy |
Gracie as a puppy | Gracie as a puppy | Gracie as a puppy |
Photos Of Vinnie & His Past Puppies
We reserve the right to retain puppies from each litter as
needed for breeding prospects
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